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Thursday, September 10, 2009♥

super long no post liao
the blog is llike so dead . haas
nw like super nt interested in blog stuff la /
today went out wif F8? or it is called hua chi zu ?
LOL . theres me,eileen.abigail,kahying,leonard,wanling,boonkit and nickson .
meet at 10.15 at bus stop . then ... everyone was late .
after tt abt 10.25 then we took bus to ehub
halfway thru , leonard come nn meet us /
heng sia . she ben lai cannot go out de la
then she tou tou go out . baddie la u xD
after tt reached ehub n was abit late for kbox . hahas ./
we went in there nn sing sing sing
everyone had plan and that is to snatch mike from
nickson and not let him to sing . budden i tink the plan fail la .
hahas . he sing all those suoer old de song
then its all . we all ddunno except for him and some abi noe .
zhai la . so long de song still noe how sing . pei fu .
me n wanling went out n meet boonkit
then went to downtown east to collect the cake
which was meant to b a surprise for them
cuz we early celeb leonard n nickson de bd .
we reach the shop then jiu see the cake
hahas ! leonard's name was big and nickson's was small
see . bu tong ren you bu tong de dai yu xD
then went back to ehub nn asked the person to help us keep
the cake.
ben lai we wanted him to say
"we have promotion and would like tou to try on our dessert"
then hor , obviously we all would noe nickson's reaction
but, we failed the plan ><"
the person there dunno hw to serve the cake
i mean like . he dunno whether we want to light the cake
serve in in a box or take out la . then in the end
no choice . me n eileen n wanling go out help him
then we jiu go into the room and sing birthday song for them
i guess they were not surprise bah ? haahs .
then i video the whole process .
nickson was damn funny
he down there " wo bu yao jie shou fang wen !" LOL !
funny larhh . then we ate the cake
nn fenxiang the cake with the person who served the cake
eileen said that he was damn cute . LOL !
he actuallu nt bad la .
he still offer to give us tissues nn help us to serve
then we still give extra tips for them / . hahas
basically , the kbox thingy was quite fun la .
then we went to watch gforce
omg ~ the hamster damn cute la !
i like the darwin the most . i tink all the hamsters so cool la
they noe how to drive car
summore they are as clever as human .
the show also not bad la .
we went to watch show as well as to look out for hunks . LOL !
infront of us got a group of guys then
we were like discussing who the most shuai
kahying shuang la ! the person infront her nt bad sia
budden he gt gf liao .
kahying n abi even saw then kiss and do qingmi ju dong .
LOL ! they go observe them . HAHAS !
after watching show leonard n eileen jiu go home
then the rest plus me go hougang mall there sit down
everyone look so sian by then . hahas .
after tt , went to meet mum have dinner jiu go home le
hope leonard and nickson will like watever we plan for them

ps: dont worry , your presents will come soon ! :D
I wrote at 8:02 PM

Friday, July 31, 2009♥

arghh !
at home goonnna bored to death ! ><"
siannnnnnn D;,
i wann talk to one person aso hard .
haix . talk to carebear asi wun reply de .
sian . ><"
I wrote at 11:22 AM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009♥

these few days flooded with test at school
haix. stresss ~ hehes .
lessons weere as usual . borrinng ~ .
today nearly fall asleep during chinese lesosn
i totally have no idea what is xuan lao shi crapping during lesson
hahas . then ms joseph didnt came today
so has 2 free period ! .
and its like surprisingly i read books for the 2 period
hahas. actually is forced to read de la .
after lessons , jiu went home with eileen they all .

seriously , i am willing to sacrifice anything as long as he's happy and free
from sufferings .
I wrote at 9:40 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009♥

haix . today de lesson is super boring
morning , woke up and realised that its meaningless to go to sch now
its like have no mroe source of motivation to go anymore
because , i juz hate it .
its like wtf . everything juz suckk la .
then had maths lesson first
teacher ask us to do so many things .
then i didnt bring calculator nn was damn fed up
summore the qns is like so many la .
then i do until keep complaining nn so damn hot
while doing , the class was super noisy .
feel like smashing the table and ask everyone shut their bloody mouth up
hahas . but ofc i didnt do it (:
i hate it when i do math people disturb . grr . damnn .
then jiu english . yawned alot times xD .
recess . hahs found out smth .
erm . its the people from my clique noe nia .
hahas . shant say .

im getting to hate you .
although i wish that i wont .
I wrote at 5:27 PM

Friday, July 3, 2009♥

a story that u saw online , touchiing :D

I wrote at 9:08 PM

Thursday, July 2, 2009♥

i realised im that stupid after all
after school reopen , everything between u and me changed
what i thought u were , were all wrong .
its all my fault ><"
perhaps , i shouldn't think so much ..
I wrote at 11:19 PM

Monday, June 29, 2009♥

hahas . todayy sch reopen
then basically the whole day my clique were discussing the topic AA
and we were like being AA , cause we dun wan others say that we're___
yeah , then in the morning had ipw
the class was super quiet . only us
wah we damn loud can . laughing all the way
and discussing about hunks . LOL xD
and were talking alot things that is damn funny
i told them that my mum said tha presbyterian high = vegetarian high
LOL . i now think aso v funny
then i watch one show abt singing de
gt one person suppose to sing " i dun wanna noe how u broke my heart"
then she go extra sing how you 3 times becum
"i dun wanna noe how u how u how u broke my heart"
then the ping shen say
" ah shen , u wan go buy hao you issit ( oyster sauce"
then i laughed like hell can . stupid sia . LOL
then we decided to call ourself hua chi grp cuz we were like soo hua chi
then my name is hua mao
abi is ah hua
eileen is da hua
boonkit is xiao hua
kahying is HUACHI ! LOL xD
damn funny la . LOL
then during math period de shi hou i tink
i went to toilet and tie my hair until damn high
LOL . AA ma . HAHAS . then i skiped around while walking back
hahas . then eileen was laughing like hell
nn i noe kahying nn abi jealous my hair cn tie so high LOL
hahahs . after that recess . dun have much AA . hehes
then jiu chi . siannn .
el read newspaper then the class so damn quiet ,.
then i dropped my bottle . loud !
after that i droopped my ruler i tink
then i dropped alot of things thats call AA . hahas
then jiu history nn sci . basically borrring .
sci de shi hou eileen told me that kahying nn abi de things almost same
dunno hw differentiate between them then
i jiu call abi nn say
" haix wo dui ni tao shi wang le , ni qu hao hao fan xing ba"
then i told kahying
"haix. wherre is ur sense or originality ?? go whre liao ?!"
hahas . then they realised that im saying that their things like e same
all same , specs , pencil box , bottle , the way they put sci file , bag . omg...
bell ring de shi hou me nn abi fighting nn screaming like hell
thn we both AA . LOL . then i screammed loud when she hit me
hahas . today damn fun la .
leonard say im like so high today . LOL . hahas .
funnnnn day . (:
I wrote at 8:38 PM


in case u dunnoe,im a BAICHI im 3rdteen this yr and if u tink im old thats crap cuz im enjoying my childhood
and rmb the fateful day 17/3/95
cos i will be expecting prezzies from u (:
im currently studying in NCHS; 1 attitude-ians,previously an SKPS-ian and a 6HOPE-ian
if u love me i will love u back,if u hate me,see tht big red cross on the top right hand corner of this page?
click on it and nv come back agn^^



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